Book Fangirling Blogger Award!

Hello everyone! 
How are you? How's school/work?
Last week, my friend Alex nominated me to do the Book Fangirling Blogger Award.
And so, I'll answer the questions she asked me and I will nominate as well someone to do this.

Let's start!

The rules are:

  • Create a post to accept your award
  • Add the blog award button into your post
  • Link to me in the post so they know who has given you the award
  • Answer the questions I have set below
  • Nominate 5 book bloggers who you think deserve this award
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees
  • Link them to this post so that they know the rules


What was the last book you read?

Belonging by Sameem Ali 

What is your favourite genre?

Horror, sci-fi, drama, philosophy, historical novels, geopolitical analysis, etc.  

If you could transform your favourite book in a movie what would it be? And if it already has a movie what is it?

I have so many books that I love, to be honest! I don't really know which one I would choose.
One of my favourite ones is ''Le Petit Prince'' by Saint Exupéry, but the book has a movie already.
Sometimes I think I would like to keep the books only in that format, to keep a certain magic and to let my imagination flow.

What book did you read and you disliked or it was way far from what you have expected at the beginning?

To be honest, I'm a huge fan of books, and so, I'm very picky in relation to what I read.
Sometimes I start a book and I imagine a different story. 
I guess my visual image of what the title of a book can be, doesn't always correspond to the real meaning of the plot.
When I started the book ''Adventures of Huckleberry Finn'' by Mark Twain, I was a bit sad because I didn't really like it... I was hoping to be something different in therms of writing style.
Because the message of the book is very interesting. 
I just don't feel connected to the type of writing style of this specific book.
Neither the less, I do advise everyone to read it at least once due to the nuance of topics talked about in it, such as:
  • Slavery 
  • Racism.
  • Society / Hypocrisy.
  • Religion
  • Freedom and growing up.

Do you have any book that has influenced you or portrays yourself in any way?

A lot of books marked my personal view of the world as a young adult and now, as a wiser / older version of myself.
One of the ones that marked my childhood, was the ''Diary of a young girl'' by Anne Frank.
As being someone very related to history, that book made me realize that the world was a very complex place. I do like to research about history, political science, geopolitics, philosophy and sociology and I have a huge list of books that helped me grow as a person and enhanced my global vision of the world. 
As an adult, I can say that my world vision changed and as adapted by the amount of research and time I've put into understanding the planet we live in. 
As the world evolves, so do I. And that's one of my personal goals: to be able to never stop  being a human in constant metamorphosis, let's say.

The blogger I'll nominate will be Archie from A Bundle of Contradictions .
I don't know a lot of people that like to read (and that have a blog), so I can't put here 5 people, but I nominate someone that I think has a lot of critical thinking. 
She's an amazing blogger that I follow (for almost a year) and I always love to read what she has to say about life, and everything in general.
So, here are my five questions to her:

  • What's your favourite book?
  • What type of books do you usually read?
  • What is the one and only book that you can't live without?
  • Would you like to write one?
  • Tell me what was the book that made you dream and still does to these days?

Well, thank you so much Alex for this lovely nomination!
Please check both of these amazing blogs!

As always, thank you so much for reading my post.
See you next week!



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