Let's talk about change, baby!

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Hello everyone!
I decided to start a new "series"on the blog.
It's always nice to change and do things differently and lately I feel like I need it.

I would like to start introducing new people on the blog, new music, new artists, or something that inspires me in general.
Lately I feel very inspired by people with big dreams. I can surely say that my fiancé is one of those humans that light a certain sparkle in me and I really admire him.

He has a natural talent for art, music, photography and poetry and I thought about sharing some of his work on the blog. The same goes for other artists (friends of mine) that have great content and are motivated to share it with the world.

I feel a lack of empathy with the world in general. We constantly think about ourselves, we live in our lithe world and forget that others exist as well... and sometimes we can do something to help or even support others and grow as a person.

Like I said before in an older post, you can always reach out to me and share your work. Whether are drawings, songs, texts or even photography.

I am really excited to share it with all my readers and to help you grow your audience as well.

Tell me all your thoughts in the comments bellow and feel free to contact me!

Don't forget to follow my social media accounts. It's always nice to make friends, right?

Have a nice day!


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