Why I've been gone

Hello guys, long time no see! I feel like I've been gone for at least a decade and I apologize. I've been thinking about coming back and do an update of the content and the design of the blog. I don't have much time at the moment due to work and life in general, but I want to do this. I still haven't figured what I want to write about, for the moment. I still love anime and movies, of course, but I don't want to feel trapped in a specific theme. I have evolved as a person and I believe you did too. That's why I feel that I can change a bit my topics and adapt them to my current day-to-day life. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment or send me an email and I'll take them into consideration. I love to talk to you and it really make s me happy every time I receive some feedback from you. You can keep up with me through my social media. All the links are listed at the top of the page! Thank you so much...