Movie Review - Finding Dory

"I don't want to forget."

Hello everyone!
I'm finally back and a little bit more free from stress.
So, I finally ended up every work I had to do from college and I took this week-end to just rest and chill for a few hours.
But now I'm back, I'll continue my internship at the British Council and yeah, let's see how that goes.
Let's start this, shall we??

So, last week I had the chance to watch Finding Dory and I loved it.
The little Dory is the cutest thing you'll ever see! 
The movie is super coll, with a lot of action and funny moments.
I was a little skeptical at first because I saw Finding Nemo in 2003 and I thought this movie would suck. But it didn't!! At all!

Nemo and his dad have active roles in the movie and Dory is funny, cute and sweet.
Another thing that amazed me completely, were the scenarios.
This movie has such beautiful under the sea images... The colours, the animals, I mean, everything was perfect.

And I highly recommend you all to go and watch this amazing movie! The story is amazing and has a beautiful message.
The ratting of the movie according to IMBD is 8.1/10 and has amazing critics about it.
If you're a fan of animation movies like I am, please give it a try and have some fun!

Now tell me, have you watched the movie already? If you did, tell me what you think in the comments bellow!

Thank you all so much for coming to my blog!
I'll see you on my next post!



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