What if...?

Hello everyone!

This week I want to share with you some of my random thoughts. Yeah, I have a lot of things in my head that most of times I don't share with anyone because I think they can be ridiculous. But I hope you like this randomness! 

Imagine if something you really wish happened.
I'm a dreamer and I imagine a lot of situations during the day. Sometimes I find myself not even listening to anything for a few seconds, because that's me. I'm like this since ever.

Back to the topic:

  • What if...
I was from another country?
Well, I'm Portuguese, I've lived in Switzerland but even with all that, I imagine a lot if I was from somewhere else.
What about Japan? France? Africa? Would I be making the same choices? What if I had totally different parents?
So many questions!

  • What if...
I was famous?
Jeez, that's scary! xD I think about it, I do, but I don't know if I imagine myself being like that for ever and ever.
I like to have my own space and I like to live my life, but... Naaaaaaaah, It's a crazy world. Maybe one day I'll be juuuuuust a bit famous... or not. Who knows?

  • What if...
I had a really known boyfriend?
Boyfriend: The one thing I don't have at the moment. Oh well, that's life!
Buuuuut, I think that (in a way) it could be fun... I guess.
The only weird thing are the really obsessed fans. Some fans are really cool (I'm a fan of some things) and yeah, I'm NOT crazy, hehehe.

Final scenario:

  • What if...
I didn't make certain choices that made me follow the path I have today?
That's a matter of choices. If you make the right ones (If there are right ones) you should be in a position or place you like.
Yeah, just be happy. Make the options that you like.
Just don't make the choice of not making any choice. Get it?
To live is to choose, right?

Thank you so much for your time!!



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