Anime Review - Kämpfer
Hello guys! How are you doing lately? Well, this week I decided to talk about an anime that made me laugh a lot during last year's summer. This anime was recomended by my sister and she told me it was really weird but fun to watch. So, let's start this review! Notes: This anime is from 2009 and ended in the same year. It has 12 episodes with 23 minutes each. Plot: Waking up transformed into a beautiful girl might be the stuff of some guy's fantasies, but when the suddenly effeminatized Natsuru is informed by a stuffed tiger that he's now a Kampfer, a mystical fighter who has to fight other Kampfers in female form, his life becomes a living nightmare! Putting aside the obvious "plumbing" issues, Natsuru's best childhood friend turns out to swing the other way and SHE has a crush on his new female body. Not complex enough? Natsuru's school has separate sections for boys and girls, so he and she are now doub...